
Thursday, September 15, 2011

Class: Sew Retro

Hey everybody! I've been super busy in real-life so that's the reason for the blog-silence! Something exciting did happen though, and maybe a few of you noticed: my blog is now at! I bought the domain! So tell your friends :)

Also, I enrolled in Gertie's online sewing class on, Sew Retro.  We are going to make a 50s inspired sarong-style dress.  I already picked up my fabric and notions at the thrift store and at Hancock Fabrics but I still need boning and a pressing ham and am going to try to get those this weekend at either Hobby Lobby or Joanns!  I'll try to keep you updated on my progress and take some photos of my materials.

I've heard nothing but good things about this course from other bloggers. I'm hoping that this class will build my confidence when fitting garments and to learn some new techniques!  I've already watched through several of the video lessons and Gertie is a great teacher and the Craftsy platform let you ask her questions and she will actually answer them for you! You should join too and then we can sew along! Are you guys working on any projects right now?

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