
Thursday, September 1, 2011

Project: Make your own Tinted Lip Balm

I was never that big into wearing lipstick, I always feel little too "made up" when I wear it.  It's usually way easier to just throw on a tinted gloss or balm for just a hint of color.  You can buy it at the store, but it's also really simple to make your own.  You can even mix your own color combination to make your personalized color blend!

  • Empty pot-style lip balm container (metal or glass is preferable, but plastic can work)
  • Lip balm (I used regular Chapstick)
  • Lipstick(s) (I used $1 Wet n' Wild 508A)
  • Tongue depressor/toothpicks/butter knife (Just know that its going to get gunked up)
  • Mixing container (I used a glass ramekin, this too is going to get messy!)
  • Microwave and Toaster oven (optional)
  1. Scoop out lip balm and put into mixing container
  2. Cut off a piece of lipstick, the more you use, the darker the pigment in your balm.  You could also mix several different colors to get a custom color, unique to you! I used about 5/8 of inch of lipstick down from the tip.
  3. Put your container in the microwave and gently melt, stopping every 20 seconds or so to stir, until liquid in consistency. You might also be able to do this in a double boiler, I'm not sure.
  4. Scrape out and put into your empty container.  It's going to harden pretty fast so don't worry if it gets kind of clumpy.
  5. You could use it now or, if you want it to look really pretty, put your now filled container into the toaster oven on the lowest setting, watch it carefully (only do this if you used glass or metal, plastic will probably melt!).  It should re-liquify and become smooth.  Let it cool at room temp. until solid, or carefully place in the refrigerator to speed up the process (Don't Spill!)
I really caked it on here so you can see the color, 
it's much more sheer when using a normal amount.

Voilá! Custom color tinted lipbalm!


  1. This is a great idea may have to try it some time. Thanks!

  2. great idea! looks like you bought it at the store!

    i would love for you to come link up this or any other amazing project at my creativity party going on right now!

    thanks so much for sharing!

  3. nice collection.i love them.thanks a lot.
    female models
